UPFDA: Suppliers of Industry Solutions
UPFDA is an association of pest management industry product and service suppliers. We come together to support professional growth, strengthen industry connections, and ensure ethical business practices. We achieve this by meeting at PestWorld and our Spring Conference, and through our committee work and regular electronic communications. We welcome prospective members to experience the friendly support and collaboration that is part of UPFDA membership. At the United Producers, Formulators and Distiributors Association (UPFDA), our goal is to support the pest management industry through quality products, services, training and research. Our activities and meetings focus on providing networking opportunities for our members to learn about each other, develop new relationships – all with the goal of generating the foundation of materials and supplies for the industry. Learn more about the positive impact we have and join us in bringing about positive change.
PHOTO: Marty Whitford/PMP Magazine

A Bit of Background
In 1968, UPFDA was formed to represent the suppliers to the pest management industry. Suppliers felt that the best way to provide service to the industry was to establish an association to voice their common concerns and position on packaging, shipping, sponsorships, conferences, legislation and regulatory affairs. For 54 years, UPFDA has been giving this important sector of the pest management industry a voice.
November 2022 UPFDA Member Update